
IDEA and early childhood: the Part A, B, Cs

A recent reader of the blog pointed out that I had posted about IDEA without clarifying what ages of children it applied to.  So, by way of apology for my oversight, here is a quick reference:

Part A of IDEA generally applies to all children regardless of age (so both infants/toddlers and preschool age).

Part B of IDEA applies to preschool and school-age children--beginning at age 3 (or a short time before if it is an initial evaluation)

Part C of IDEA applies to early intervention services for infants and toddlers, from birth to 3 years.

I'm going to adjust the labels on the post to reflect the division between B and C, so you can easily find information relevant to your child's age group or the age group you are interested in. I'll also try to mention it in each post.

Please keep sending suggestions to improve this blog.

Oh, and thanks again L.P.


Matt --attorney, researcher, and (now) blogger said...

A few readers have said they had problems with commenting, so this is a test to see if the comments are working right. I'll try to post a "how to comment" soon.

Anonymous said...

Last test didn't work because, well, I'm the moderator and my posts go up automatically. So, I'm trying again while logged out of the account.

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