
Early Childhood Transition REDUX

Thus far, our focus has been on transition from early intervention programs to preschool programs.  This can be a challenging time for parents and their children because it involves a change in services systems from those governed by Part C of the individuals with disabilities education act to those governed by Part B (See post on the ABCs of IDEA).  

Posts Related to Transition to Preschool
Or, if you challenge the proposed IEP or your child is almost 3 and doesn't have one, you may want to read this summary of 3 court decisions on transition.  If none of these resources help, let me know and I'll try to post something on it.  

Additional Places for Info on Transtion:

(1)  Our community of practice on early childhood family support.   Many of them beginning with the experience of a family . . . . and if you register (its free) you can post your own question or start your own discussion.  There have been several discussions related to transition: 
(2)  Our friends in blogging--you can go to their sites from the Recommended Blog links in the sidebar.  We have both professional and family blogs listed--both often have stories and valuable knowledge to share.   Examples:


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